09 20 okt. '24
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Graham Heid, Wilfred Jackson

The Old Mill

Editie 2023
9' - 1937 - Komedie, Kortfilm - Taal: Engels
Regisseur: Graham Heid, Wilfred Jackson Componist: Leigh Harline Met: Elvia Allman, Marie Arbuckle, Barbara Brewster
Deze film maakt deel uit van 100 Years of Disney Animation - A Shorts Celebration.
Geniet volop van de prachtige natuurtaferelen en muziek in het wondermooie The Old Mill. Disney neemt ons mee naar het leven in en rond een oude molen. Binnen bouwen verliefde vogeltjes een nest, buiten klinkt een orkest van kwakende kikkers en tjirpende krekels. Met een storm op komst moeten de beestjes en de molen zich weren tegen donder en bliksem.

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Graham Heid, Wilfred Jackson


Leigh Harline


Elvia Allman, Marie Arbuckle, Barbara Brewster


Dick Rickard


Walt Disney


Walt Disney Motion Pictures Belgium

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Graham Heid
The Old Mill (short, 1937), Wynken, Blynken & Nod (short, 1938)
Wilfred Jackson
Mickey's Follies (short, 1929), Midnight in a Toy Shop (short, 1930), The Castaway (short, 1931), The China Plate (short, 1931), The Cat's Out (short, 1931), Egyptian Melodies (short, 1931), The Clock Store (short, 1931), The Spider and the Fly (short, 1931), The Fox Hunt (short, 1931), The Ugly Duckling (short, 1931), The Bird Store (short, 1932) The Grocery Boy (short, 1932), Barnyard Olympics (short, 1932), Mickey's Revue (short, 1932), The Bears and Bees (short, 1932), Musical Farmer (short, 1932), Mickey in Arabia (short, 1932), The Whoopee Party (short, 1932), Touchdown Mickey (short, 1932), The Klondike Kid (short, 1932), Santa's Workshop (short, 1932), Mickey's Mellerdrammer (short, 1933), Father Noah's Ark (short, 1933), Mickey's Mechanical Man (short, 1933), Puppy Love (short, 1933), Lullaby Land (short, 1933), The Pied Piper (short, 1933), The Pet Store (short, 1933), The Night Before Christmas (short, 1933), The China Shop (short, 1934), The Grasshopper and the Ants (short, 1934), Funny Little Bunnies (short, 1934), The Wise Little Hen (short, 1934), Peculiar Penguins (short, 1934), The Goddess of Spring (short, 1934), The Tortoise and the Hare (short, 1935), The Band Concert (short, 1935), Water Babies (short, 1935), Mickey's Garden (short, 1935), Music Land (short, 1935), Mickey's Grand Opera (short, 1936), Elmer Elephant (short, 1936), Mickeys Rival (short, 1936), Toby Tortoise Returns (short, 1936), The Country Cousin (short, 1936), More Kittens (short, 1936), Woodland Café (short, 1937), The Old Mill (short, 1937), Mother Goose Goes Hollywood (short, 1938), Golden Eggs (short, 1941), The New Spirit (short, 1942), Aquarela do Brasil (short, 1942), A Feather in His Collar (short, 1946), The Legend of Johnny Appleseed (short, 1948), Cinderella (1950), Alice in Wonderland (1951), The Little House (short, 1952), Peter Pan (1953), Lady and the Tramp (1955)

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