11e Internationaal Filmgebeuren van Vlaanderen-Gent 1984
The festival has gradually grown into a fully-fledged "cinematic event" with international resonance. The eleventh Filmgebeuren is all about diversity with more than a hundred films from almost forty different countries! Many avant-premières are held, such as Streets of Fire by Walter Hill, Splash by Ron Howard and Dream Producers by Chris Verbiest and Robbe De Hert. This year's opening film is 1984 by Michael Radford and attended by British actor John Hurt. In 1984, the Nacht van de Film is organised for the first time during which the Joseph Plateau prizes are awarded. These prizes are named after the Ghent professor Joseph Plateau who laid the foundations for film with his invention 'the phenakistiscope' and are given to festival guests who made a special contribution to the art of filmmaking.