How do we contribute?

We want to be an accessible festival for everyone, also for those who are struggling financially. Film Fest Ghent uses differentiated ticket prices and cooperates with initiatives such as UiTPAS.
We donate material that is in good condition to recycling initiatives (T-shirts, tote bags, festival shoes...)

To make the youngest film lovers media-savvy, each year we include a selection of films in the Kidsproof section, with a Family Day as the cherry on the cake.
Film Fest Ghent offers a growing educational offer for schools.
For students and film (music) professionals there are the annual Industry Days, with talks, masterclasses, panel discussions and space for meeting each other.
The Teacher Day is a day for all teachers who want to offer all our young people - including our future filmmakers - a helping hand.

Film Fest Ghent strives for gender equality within its team.
Film Fest Ghent pays attention to gender balance when selecting filmmakers and jury members.
For over a decade, there has been a specific focus on programming LGBTQ films. In 2020 and 2021, the theme of the sector day was Diversity.

- For our energy supply, we rely on Belgian green energy (BEE).
- Together with a sustainable energy coach we are investigating how we can make the energy supply (electricity and heat) of the Film Fest Café and the VIP tent more sustainable.
- We aim to monitor our energy consumption to map out our energy profile so we are able to investigate sustainable solutions which fit our situation.
- We strive to educate our employees and volunteers.

Each year Film Fest Ghent welcomes numerous interns who gain their first work experience at the festival.
We invest in a collaboration with schools for workplace learning during the festival (the courses ‘Societal safety’ and ‘Reception and recreation’)
Film Fest Ghent provides clear statutes and growth opportunities for its numerous temporary employees.

For its festival infrastructure, Film Fest Ghent relies on the infrastructure of other cultural partners in the city (Voo?uit, Kask, Sphinx Cinema, Studio Skoop, Miry Concertzaal).
Outside the festival period, Film Fest Ghent opens its office to film crews who are temporarily looking for a place to work.
The festival invests in new data structures to work in an increasingly digital way.
For the transportation of film copies, we have switched from physical copies and print traffic to virtual distribution.
We set up VIP parking within walking distance so that shuttles are not necessary.

Film Fest Ghent programmes films from all over the world.
In 2020 we organised the Day of the Diverse Film Profession, about gender and cultural diversity - or the lack thereof - in the film world.
For more than ten years, the festival has facilitated performances for the blind and visually impaired.

Film Fest Gent is a member of Greentrack, the think and do thank of the Ghentian cultural sector that builds a more sustainable future by exchange and experiment.
The festival collaborates with ambassadors from the city network of Ghent via the trade network Puur Gent.
Throughout the year, Film Fest Ghent communicates what is happening in the (Flemish) film landscape and connects a community of film lovers.
The festival is of great importance for the international community of film music composers.

Film Fest Ghent collaborates with local catering companies that work with local products.
The red carpet and VIP village are collected and recycled after the festival.
The programme brochures are only sent to those who want to receive them in print. The digital versions of the brochures are distributed via ISSUU and are actively promoted.
We avoid disposable glasses, cups or cutlery. The drivers at the guest service use reusable cups as well.
We make purchases in a sustainable manner (bundling of purchases, short supply chain...).
For all printing (paper, textile...) we verify whether the printing service prints sustainably and whether their products have an eco label.
The cars that Film Fest Ghent has available during the festival are partly produced in Ghent (Volvo).

We encourage employees and festival visitors to come to the office or festival sites by foot, by public transport or by bike. The festival rents bicycles for employees in the run-up to the festival.
We are very conscious about print: for several years we have been working with e-tickets and since 2020 we also issue digital VIP and protocol tickets. We no longer print ticket holders or parking tickets.
Our programme brochures and promotional materials are distributed in the city in a climate-friendly manner using a cargo bike.
Together with a sustainable energy coach, we are investigating how we can make the energy supply (electricity and heat) of the Film Fest Café and the VIP tent more sustainable.
We aim to monitor our energy consumption to map out our energy profile so we are able to investigate sustainable solutions which fit our situation.
We strive for a digital campaign and promotion via digital screens.
If possible, we opt for neutral branding in our signature style, so that we can use promotional material for several years (flags, photo wall...).
For all printing (paper, textile...) we verify whether the printing service prints sustainably and whether their products have an eco label.
The food for the team catering and public receptions is 100% vegetarian prepared with sustainable, local and seasonal products. We choose to partner with a local catering company with expertise in sustainable food.
The catering is always carefully tailored to the number of attendees estimated as accurately as possible in advance.
Film Fest Gent encourages its employees to drink tap water. Empty glass bottles are available to employees.
From neighbouring countries (UK, France, the Netherlands, Germany) we always offer guests to travel by train first. We compensate the CO2 emissions of guest flights through a CO2 compensation programme.

We attempt to reduce paper usage (digital paychecks for example) where possible and ask our partners to send invoices digitally.
At the office and on festival locations we strongly encourage waste separation.

- We rely on intermediaries to reach an audience as broad and diverse as possible (trade organisation PuurGent, community workers, youth workers, poverty organisations...).
What can you do?
Buy your tickets digitally.
Come to the festival by public transport, by foot or by bike.
Discover our programme digitally and only bring the brochures you need.
Don’t leave any waste on our festival sites.
Organising an increasingly sustainable festival is a long-term task at Film Fest Ghent. In 2021 we will organise a Day of the Sustainable Film Profession, whilst sustainability is also a central theme on our agenda internally. Moreover, the festival is a member of Greentrack, a Ghent-based initiative that aims to reduce the ecological footprint of the culture sector.
Do you have a suggestion for us, which will help us improve in terms of sustainability?