09 20 Oct '24
B9ca143b 027c 4cd6 a31e 484a2e7621b8

Oskar Fischinger

Ornament Sound

Edition 1982
7' - 1932 - Short
Director: Oskar Fischinger

Ornament Sound uses the optical sound track in a very unique way. Using precise graphical icons in place of the usual waveforms in the soundtrack area of the film, a "synthesized," or "pure" sound, as Fischinger called it, results upon playback.

To create this track, Fischinger cut out templates for each design, then photographed them one frame at a time. When played back at 24fps (frames per second), these images create a wide variety of tonal variations – in essence, synthesized sound.

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B9ca143b 027c 4cd6 a31e 484a2e7621b8



Oskar Fischinger

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