09 20 Oct '24
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Michael Herz, Lloyd Kaufman

The Toxic Avenger

Edition 1984
82' - 1984 - Action, Comedy, Horror - Dialogue: English
Director: Michael Herz, Lloyd Kaufman With: Andree Maranda, Mitch Cohen, Jennifer Babtist
This is the story of Melvin, the Tromaville Health Club mop boy, who inadvertently and naively trusts the hedonistic, contemptuous and vain health club members, to the point of accidentally ending up in a vat of toxic waste. The devastating results then have a transmogrification effect, his alter ego is released, and the Toxic Avenger is born, to deadly and comical results. The local mop boy is now the local Superhero, the saviour of corruption, thuggish bullies, and indifference. Troma classic with good make-up effects and stunts, a pleasant surprise indeed.

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Michael Herz, Lloyd Kaufman


Andree Maranda, Mitch Cohen, Jennifer Babtist


Lloyd Kaufman, Joe Ritter

Director of Photography

Lloyd Kaufman


Richard W. Haines


Lloyd Kaufman, Michael Herz

Production studios

Troma Entertainment

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Countries of production

United States of America



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