19 Aug 2004
It is with dismay that the Film Festival Ghent took cognizance of the passing away of film composer Elmer Bernstein.

All the more because he considered himself to be a friend of the festival. He was looking forward to the concert with his film music that he would conduct himself, on the occasion of the distribution of the fourth Word Soundtrack Awards, at the Ghent Bijloke on 9 October. Because he wanted to make up for something.

In 2001 he was awarded the first Lifetime Achievement Award by the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags' />World Soundtrack Academy, which brings together a select number of internationally well-known film music composers. He was to accept it personally, but then came 9/11. But this year he absolutely wanted to be present.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office' />

Elmer Bernstein was acquainted with and appreciated the Film Festival Ghent since 1993, after attending the opening film "The Age of Innocence". The festival theme, "The Impact of Music on film", made a great impression on him and in 1998 he gave an unforgettable concert here, together with Michael Kamen, who died last year.

At the foundation of the World Soundtrack Academy, he wrote the accompanying opening tune.

The Elmer Bernstein concert will take place as planned at the Bijloke on 9 October, but it will be developped as a tribute concert. The Vlaams Radio Orkest (Flemish Radio Orchestra), conducted by Dirk Brossé, will bring music from "The Magnificent Seven" (used by Michael Moore in his "Fahrenheit 9/11), "To Kill a Mockingbird", "Far from Heaven", "The Great Escape" and "The Ten Commandments".

The 31st edition of the Film Festival Ghent takes place from 5 to 16 October. Info: