32nd edition of Flanders Film Festival hosts fourth composition competition

11 Mar 2005
On Saturday, October 15, the winning score will be performed during the ceremony of the World Soundtrack Awards

In co-operation with SABAM and the Royal Belgian Film Library, the Flanders International Film Festival - Ghent is this year organising the fourth edition of the composition competition for young soundtrack composers. On Saturday, October 15, the winning score will be performed during the ceremony of the World Soundtrack Awards. The writer of the winning work will also be awarded a prize of 2,500€. Entrance applications will be accepted from candidates up to and including May 31, 2005.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office' />

For this second edition of the composition competition, candidates are asked to compose a musical work for the short silent film MEDOR AU TELEPHONE (Pathé - 1907), made available by the Royal Belgian Film Library. This year, classical compositions and electronic scores alike may be submitted. All compositions will be carefully evaluated by a jury of internationally experienced professionals from the film and music industries. The winner will be announced during the World Soundtrack Awards ceremony on October 15, and his or her winning piece will be performed.

For information regarding entrance applications and the competition rules, please contact Danielle Heynickx at the Flanders International Film Festival - Ghent (tel.: 09 242 8067 - e-mail: danielle.heynickx@filmfestival.be).