09 20 Oct '24
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József Gémes

The Princess and the Goblin

- 1991 - Comedy, Animated film, Adventure
Director: József Gémes Composer: István Lerch
The Princess and the Goblin is a charming medieval cartoon which tells the tale of the little Princess Irene who is lost in the woods where she meets Curdie, a singing miner's son. Curdie discovers a plan by some grungy goblins to cause chaos by flooding the mines. To make matters worse, hideous goblin Prince Froglip plans to kidnap Irene, marry her and usurp power in the kingdom. Thanks to a magic thread from her fairy grandmother, Irene rescues Curdie and despite the flooded mines all live happily after.

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József Gémes


István Lerch


Robin Lyons


Magda Hap


Robin Lyons

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Countries of production

Hungary, United Kingdom

Screenplay based on

"The Princess and the Goblin" (George MacDonald)



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