09 20 Oct '24
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Bennett Miller

The Cruise

Edition 1999
76' - 1998 - Documentary - Dialogue: English
Director: Bennett Miller Composer: Marty Beller With: Timothy 'Speed' Levitch
“The Cruise” is a compelling documentary which chronicles the humorously irreverent and painfully honest reflections of Timothy ‘Speed’ Levitch, an eccentric New York City tour bus guide with an archive of beautifully distorted information about the city. For his passengers, he spews out numerous facts and opinions about the Big Apple. Beginning with his life atop double-decker buses, Levtich’s tours exhibit a peculiar intimacy with the city’s historical and artistic lineage as well as its architectural feats. His tours include references to George Gershwin, Thomas Paine, Edgar Allen Poe, Henry James, Edith Warton, Eugene O’Neill and Dylan Thomas.

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Bennett Miller


Marty Beller


Timothy 'Speed' Levitch

Director of Photography

Bennett Miller


Michael A Levine


Jackie Glover, Bennett Miller

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Countries of production

United States of America



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