09 20 Oct '24
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Claude Goretta

Si le soleil ne revenait pas (If the Sun Never Returns)

Edition 1988
115' - 1987 - Drama - Dialogue: French
Director: Claude Goretta Composer: Antoine Auberson With: Charles Vanel, Philippe Léotard, Catherine Mouchet
In a mountainside village, where the sun never shines in winter, the old prophet Anzevui announces that, in this year 1937, war will break out and the sun will never shine again. The village is divided into two camps: those who resign themselves to the news, such as Arlettaz who drowns his sorrow in alcohol, and those who keep the torch of hope alight, such as Cyprien who sets out to find the sun. He returns exhausted but a young girl, Isabelle, takes up his struggle, followed by other villagers who have not lost hope. They will greet the rising sun which the dying Anzevui will never see.

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Claude Goretta


Antoine Auberson


Charles Vanel, Philippe Léotard, Catherine Mouchet


Claude Goretta

Director of Photography

Bernard Zitzermann


Eliane Guignet


Alain Sarde

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Countries of production

Switzerland, France

Screenplay based on

"Si le soleil ne revenait pas" (Charles Ferdinand Ramuz)



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