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Patrick Conrad, Henri Storck


Director Patrick Conrad, Henri Storck Composer David Darling, John Surman Cast Hélène Ballings, Ilse Uitterlinden, Paul Steenbergen
Edition 1985
95' - 1985 - Drama, Documentary - Dialogue: Dutch
When Anna, a twenty-eight-year-old photographer, is put in charge of a report on the restoration works at The Ostend Museum of Modern Art, she discovers by chance five paintings signed Constant Permeke, whose power and mystery move and fascinate her.She decides to embark on a quest to find out about who Permeke actually was, the places where he lived, how he worked, what experiences he went through.

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Patrick Conrad, Henri Storck


David Darling, John Surman


Hélène Ballings, Ilse Uitterlinden, Paul Steenbergen


Patrick Conrad, Henri Storck, Pierre Drouot

Director of Photography

Gilberto Azevedo, Marc Koninckx


Ton de Graaff


Pierre Drouot

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Countries of production





Henri Storck

Amateurfilms over Oostende (1928), Images d'Ostende (1929, Short), Pour vos beaux yeux (Short, 1929), La mort de Vénus (Short, 1930), Suzanne au bain (Short, 1930), Abstracte films getekend op pellicule (Short, 1930), Trains de plaisir (Short, 1930), Reddingsdienst aan de Belgische kust (1930), Eeuwfeesten (1930), Ter haring-visscherij (1930), Sur les bords de la caméra (Short, 1932), Misère au Borinage (Short, 1934), Productie van gastroduodenal ulcers bij de hond (1934), L'île de Pâques (1935), Les maisons de la misère (Short, 1936), Le patron est mort (Short, 1938), Peasant Symphony (1944), Le Monde de Paul Delvaux (Short, 1946), Rubens (1948), The Smugglers' Banquet (1952), La fenêtre ouverte (Short, 1952), Herman Teirlinck (1953), De schat van Oostende (Short, 1955), Décembre, mois des enfants (Short, 1956), Attenzione: guerra! (1961), Les Dieux du feu (Short, 1961), Le bonheur d'être aimé (Short, 1962), Les malheurs de la guerre (1963), Paul Delvaux ou les femmes défendues (Short, 1971), Les fêtes de Belgique (1973), Le chant du peintre (1978), Permeke (1985), Story of the Unknown Soldier (Short, 2001).