09 20 Oct '24
A8be076a ca1e 4bef b6a3 9d25dc474ca0

Maya Deren

Meshes of the Afternoon

Edition 2021
15' - 1943
Director: Maya Deren
Meshes of the Afternoon’s dream-like mise-en-scene, illogical narrative trajectory, fluid movement and ambient soundtrack invite a type of contemplative, perhaps even transcendental, involvement for the spectator.
Meshes of the Afternoon’s dream-like mise-en-scene, illogical narrative trajectory, fluid movement and ambient soundtrack invite a type of contemplative, perhaps even transcendental, involvement for the spectator. The film is constructed from a myriad of eyeline matches and mismatches. The use of extreme angles to imply one character looking down on the dreamer, a type of spider’s point of view, foreshadows the dreamer’s death.

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A8be076a ca1e 4bef b6a3 9d25dc474ca0



Maya Deren

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United States of America



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