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Margaret Salmon


Director Margaret Salmon
Edition 2021
5' - 2019
A short film depicting a woman putting her children to sleep, cleaning dishes, then dancing with a ghost. Shot on Super 16mm film, Home uses the physical material of film, and expressive bodies, to interpret emotional and imaginative relationships between daily tasks, gendered histories and restorative fantasy.

A short film depicting a woman putting her children to sleep, cleaning dishes, then dancing with a ghost. Shot on Super 16mm film, Home uses the physical material of film, and expressive bodies, to interpret emotional and imaginative relationships between daily tasks, gendered histories and restorative fantasy. The film shows a progression from the mundane to the extraordinary through the use of realist aesthetics paired with analogue double exposure. A woman cares, moves, isolated, repetitive, before being embraced, encountered by a ghost. They touch, caress and gradually dance together, moving in unison, finding each other in sombre mournful reverie. The ghost and woman finally rest together, and the woman then returns to her children, after this brief moment of resistance and restoration.

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4106b370 1275 48ab a51e 3d0029c3e24a



Margaret Salmon

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Countries of production

United Kingdom
