09 20 Oct '24
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Anne Fontaine

Les Histoires d'amour finissent mal... en général (Love stories generally end up badly)

Edition 1993
85' - 1993 - Comedy - Dialogue: French
Director: Anne Fontaine With: Nora Djeziri, Sami Bouajila, Alain Fromager, Jean-Claude Dreyfus, Eric Metayer
Zina, 20 years old, is an usherette at a Paris theatre. She intends to marry Slim, a taxi driver who hopes to become a lawyer. She is at the same time innocent and a liar, a kleptomaniac and generous. She is insatiable. She hungers to be spoken to, to be desired, to be loved. When she meets Frederic, the star of the play at the theatre, she begins to dream: why shouldn't she be an actress too? Why shouldn't she have Frederic without giving up Slim? Why can't she have the best of both worlds?

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0067f3b1 0ae5 4268 8494 8abe91ce5fd2
Aaafe5c0 5772 4eb5 89a3 6afe5f18de14



Anne Fontaine


Nora Djeziri, Sami Bouajila, Alain Fromager, Jean-Claude Dreyfus, Eric Metayer


Anne Fontaine, Claude Arnaud


Philippe Carcassonne

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