09 20 Oct '24
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Paul Cammermans

Gezin van paemel, het (Het gezin van Paemel)

Edition 1987
90' - 1986 - Drama - Dialogue: Dutch
Director: Paul Cammermans Composer: Daniel Schnell With: Frank Aendenboom, Camilia Blereau, Chris Boni, Marijke Pinoy, Jan Decleir
Flanders' countryside in Belgium's early decades didn't belong to the hard-working farmers, like patriarch Van Paemel, who would rather die then consider any alternative to knowing his place and responding to problems like Animal farm's donkey, toiling even harder till it kills him anyhow. He rules his family expecting similar servitude, but cruel fate sees to it that his gentle son Desiré has a terrible, ill-compensated, never trialled life-long crippling rifle-accident, reducing the good, now unproductive boy to dreaming about emigration to America in never-ending pain, at the idle hands of the hunting party hosted by the baron who owns everything, and takes like his ruling class a very dim view at the demands, spearheaded by the young Socialist party, of the less docile new generation, whose protests are put down violently by gendarmes (paramiltary police)...

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Paul Cammermans


Daniel Schnell


Frank Aendenboom, Camilia Blereau, Chris Boni, Marijke Pinoy, Jan Decleir


Paul Cammermans, Jan Blokker

Director of Photography

Lex Wertwijn


Henri Erismann


Jan van Raemdonck

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Countries of production


Screenplay based on

"Het gezin van Paemel" (Cyriel Buysse)



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