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Milan Muchna

Devet kruhu pekla (Nine circles of hell)

Director Milan Muchna Cast Milan Knazko, Oum Savanny, Nov Chandary, Kjeta Fialova, Jan Schmidt
Edition 1989
88' - 1987 - War, Drama, Romance - Dialogue: Czech
The road to heli is often paved by the best of intentions. The Khmers may have had such intentions too, but the enforcements of their ideals destroyed the economy, culture, education system and caused the death of millions of innocent people. The exotic land and its people bore all the stigmas of a violent fate. The relationship between Tomas and Khema is doomed, not only because her brother has joined the Khmer Rouge, but because history comes between them. He has to leave the country only to return after the fall of the Khmer; his wife has disappeared but his daughter has survived... (pressbook)

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Milan Muchna


Milan Knazko, Oum Savanny, Nov Chandary, Kjeta Fialova, Jan Schmidt


Alexander Cukes

Director of Photography

Peter Hodja


Dalibor Lipský

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Countries of production

Cambodia, Czechoslovakia
