09 20 Oct '24
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Josef von Sternberg

Der blaue Engel (The Blue Angel)

104' - 1930 - Drama - Dialogue: German, French, English
Director: Josef von Sternberg Composer: Friedrich Hollaender With: Emil Jannings, Marlene Dietrich, Kurt Gerron

Professor Immanuel Rath (Emil Jannings) is a stern but respected professor who discovers some of his students passing postcards showing a sexy cabaret singer appearing at a local club. That night, thinking to catch some of his students, Jannings goest to the club and is caught up in the wild atmosphere, then entranced by the sultry Lola Frohlich (Dietrich) as she vamps about that stage in stockings, garter belt, high heels, and corset, her bobbed blonde hair covered with a top hat worn at a jaunty angle.

The Blue Angel is a fascinating story of a conventional and upright professor who is driven to humiliation and despair by a sultry cabaret singer, all in the name of love.

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Josef von Sternberg


Friedrich Hollaender


Emil Jannings, Marlene Dietrich, Kurt Gerron


Carl Zuckmayer, Karl Vollmöller, Robert Liebmann

Director of Photography

Günther Rittau, Hans Schneeberger


Sam Winston


Erich Pommer

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German, French, English

Countries of production


Screenplay based on

"Professor Unrath" (Heinrich Mann)



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