09 20 Oct '24
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Fons Rademakers

De Aanslag (The Assault)

144' - 1986 - Drama, Romance - Dialogue: German, Dutch, English
Director: Fons Rademakers Composer: Jurriaan Andriessen With: Derek de Lint, Marc van Uchelen, Monique Van de Ven
Based on Harry Mulisch's best-selling novel, Fons Rademakers made a film which became almost as popular as the book itself. lt is the story of young Anton Steenwijk, whose parents and brother are executed after they were supposed to have killed a collaborator in January 1945, only a few months before the war ended. He survives, but even years later, his mind will be haunted by that one question to which the answer seems impossible to find: what happened exactly and who was to blame?

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Fons Rademakers


Jurriaan Andriessen


Derek de Lint, Marc van Uchelen, Monique Van de Ven


Gerard Soeteman, Harry Mulisch

Director of Photography

Theo van de Sande


Kees Linthorst


Fons Rademakers

More information


German, Dutch, English

Countries of production

The Netherlands

Screenplay based on

"De Aanslag" (Harry Mulish)



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