09 20 Oct '24
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Manu Bonmariage

Allô police (Hello, police)

Edition 1989
76' - 1987 - Documentary - Dialogue: French
Director: Manu Bonmariage
The communal police might be the last people you would think of turning to when you've got a personal problem. But documentary maker Manu Bonmariage's new colour film 'Allo Police' shows that for many there is really no choice. Determined to reveal the full measure of human distress caused by unemployment, Bonmariage decided to explore Charleroi's population through the eyes of its local police. With only a soundman and a 16mm camera, he followed the police for several months as they answered calls for help in family and neighbourhood disputes, claims of adultery and theft, alcoholism and violence. The result is a mixture of brief insights into people's lives, often entertaining, often sad. (The Bulletin, 17.3.88)

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Manu Bonmariage


Manu Bonmariage

Director of Photography

Manu Bonmariage


Monique Lebrun

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