09 20 Oct '24
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John Holland

A Night in Havana: Dizzy Gillespie in Cuba

Edition 1988
84' - 1988 - Documentary, Music/Musical - Dialogue: English
Director: John Holland Composer: Dizzy Gillespie With: Dizzy Gillespie
On the rhythm of Dizzy Gillespie 's jazz comes A Night in Havana, a memorable event. Dizzy Gillespie was invited to headline the Fifth International Jazz Festival of Havana. Chiasma has produced a film celebrating his trip, allowing all to enjoy it.
As the portrait of Gillespie emerges and mixes with the concerts and events of this visit to Havana, his history and music unite in syncopation. Narrating the story of his beginnings, explaining how his hom became bent , he personifies the highest values of his creative genius, with the solid and fascinating roots of his heritage.
Dizzy began his artistic career in the 1940s, becoming one of the best jazzmen of North America. In his visit to Cuba, he discovered that the Nigerian religions practiced throughout the island we~e very similar to those he had heard in South Carolina, his place of birth. He realized the strong ties between himself and the culture of Cuba, as if the drums, the dancing and the songs of Africa were a part of his own childhood. (Harriet Robbins in L.A. Opinion)

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John Holland


Dizzy Gillespie


Dizzy Gillespie


Allen Honigberg, Patrice Levy

Director of Photography

William Megalos


Vincent Stenerson


Nim Polanetska

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