Making Great Films in Small Countries

Edition 1997

Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Hungary October 15th, 1997

This project is patronised by the Minister-President of the Government of Flanders and supported by the Flemish Community - Foreign Policies.

The 24th Flanders International Film Festival focuses on three member regions of the European Cultural Alliance. The film festival wants to use this opportunity to let the public become acquainted with these films, and to give the Flemish film professionals the chance to meet producers and representatives of the film industry of the guest regions

A seminar within the scope of the European Cultural Alliance, with visitors from the guest region and from other regions of the Cultural Alliance, is an ideal platform to exchange ideas concerning problems of film production that are typical for the smaller cultural regions in Europe.

Under the title "Making Great Films in Small Countries" speakers of the three guest regions will inform of their experiences concerning the ins and outs of the film production in their region, their relation to a majority region and the way in which the three can co-operate.