Martine Huvenne

Martine Huvenne started teaching music in the educational programme on animation film at KASK in 1984 under Raoul Servais and was involved in the KASK cine curriculum from the very beginning. From 1999 to 2016, she also taught at the LUCA School of Arts. Both in her research and teaching, she has mainly focused on the auditory component within the creation process of (animated) film and the compositional perspective of audiovisual editing. With many young filmmakers, including Bas Devos, Adil El Arbi & Bilall Fallah, she planted a seed to not only look at, but also listen to film. At KASK, she supervised numerous master's students including Nathalie Teirlinck, Meikeminne Clinckspoor, Oliva Rochette & Gerard-Jan Claes, Pieter Dumoulin, Nina De Vroome, Ruben Desiere, Janet Van den Brand, Lukas Dhont, Mathijs Poppe and Louisiana Mees. Through 2006-2012 she unified her research and praxis with a PhD at the University of Amsterdam – Sound as an inner movement in the transmission of experience: a phenomenological approach. In autumn 2022, The Audiovisual Chord: Embodied Listening in film will be published by Palgrave Macmillan, a phenomenology of listening and sound in film and an introduction to the ways in which experience can be conveyed through sound and music in film. Within KASK, HOGENT and Howest, she started EPAS, a postgraduate course in sound as an artistic discipline ( in 2016. She was also involved in the curriculum development of InMICS (an international master's degree in film music). For many years, Martine Huvenne was the curator of the annual film music seminar at Film Fest Gent.