09 20 Oct '24

Finding Home Best Flemish Student Short Film

13 Oct 2008
The documentary Finding Home by Christopher Daley (KASK) has won the ACE-price for Best Flemish Student Short Film at the 35th Ghent Film Festival. Minister Bert Anciaux has given the price on this Monday evening at the Vooruit. The price includes a premium of 2.000 euro for the director and a postproduction premium of 7.500 euro.
Finding Home is a documentary about Michael, a sergeant of the American army. He retires after 19 years of duty and three missions in Irak. The consequences of the war slowly reveal itself. Jury: Pierre De Clercq, Peter De Maegd, Titus De Voogdt, Geoffrey Enthoven, Chantal Krakowski and Jan Verheyen.

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