Actress Vanessa Redgrave represents UNICEF

10 Sep 2003
Vanessa Redgrave, the world famous English actress and UNICEF ambassadress, will be present this year at a benefit showing of Julia during the Flanders International Film Festival - Ghent. The proceeds of this showing will be donated to UNICEF Belgium and Ms Redgrave will receive the cheque in person.

The film Julia (1977), directed by Fred Zinneman, tells the poignant story of a close friendship between the writer Lillian Hellmann and her childhood friend Julia and their anti-Nazi activities during the Second World War. Jane Fonda plays Lillian Hellmann and Vanessa Redgrave is brilliant in the role of Julia. Jason Robards plays the part of Dashiell Hammet, Lillian's partner, and the film was also the debut of Meryl Streep. The production received an Academy Award for the Best (Adapted) Screenplay, the Best Supporting Actor (Jason Robards) and the Best Supporting Actress (Vanessa Redgrave).

Vanessa Redgrave will be present for the showing of Julia, which will take place on October 18 at the Kinepolis in Ghent at 10 in the morning. Tickets cost € 25 each (including the reception after the film during which Vanessa Redgrave will be present). Tickets will be available at the festival booking offices as from September 27.

The British actress Vanessa Redgrave is not only widely acclaimed for her acting performances, but is also well known as a committed peace activist and UNICEF Goodwill Ambassadress. Acting is in her blood and all the members of her family have some connection with the world of theatre. She was very young when she first walked on stage and it was not long before she made her cinema debut. In 1959, at the age of 22, she applied to the famous Stratford-upon-Avon Theatre Company and two years later to the Royal Shakespeare Company, where she played alongside the most talented actors of her generation. She obtained international recognition in 1966 for her part in Blowup from Michelangelo Antonioni. A year later, she gave a stunning performance in Camelot. Alongside her renowned acting performances, Redgrave is also well known as an enthusiastic peace activist. During her teenage years, she was already collecting money on the streets of London for Hungarian refugees.

Vanessa Redgrave worked for UNICEF for the first time during the Gulf War in Iraq. In April 1991, she organised an event at the Royal Albert Hall in London, the proceeds of which were used to set up a fund to help Iraqi children. Immediately after this event, she embarked on a 72-hour tour through Iraq along with a cameraman and other UNICEF workers. This resulted in a fascinating film which generated substantial income for UNICEF. Redgrave continues to bring children's rights abuses to the world's attention through her television programme Wake Up World and various events in Germany, Great Britain and the United States. She became a UNICEF ambassadress in June 1995 and has since then been an active supporter of the Children First movement.