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Krzysztof Zanussi

Zycie jako smiertelna choroba przenoszona droga pyciowa (Life as a Fatal Sexually Transmitted Disease)

Director Krzysztof Zanussi Composer Wojciech Kilar Cast Zbigniew Zapasiewicz, Krystyna Janda, Tadeusz Bradecki
Edition 2000
99' - 2000 - Drama - Dialogue: Polish, French, English
Tomasz, a physician in his sixties, works on the set of a film about Saint Bernard who prepares a horse thief for death. Intelligent but moody, Tomasz suspects he might be terminally ill. A series of medical tests only confirms his suspicion. A desire awakens in Tomasz to deny all moral values he used to cherish and to prove them wrong. Pretending to be a friend, he tries to destroy a young couple’s love, engages in a game with a young priest, hoping to hear the confessions of his lost faith, and finally gets ready to commit suicide. Nonetheless, he never stops waiting for a sign, a spiritual force to guide him in life. The sign comes, unexpectedly, in a hospital room…

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Krzysztof Zanussi


Wojciech Kilar


Zbigniew Zapasiewicz, Krystyna Janda, Tadeusz Bradecki


Krzysztof Zanussi

Director of Photography

Edward Klosinski


Marek Denys


Iwona Ziulkowska-Okapiec

More info


Polish, French, English

Countries of production

Poland, France
