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Robert Jan Westdijk

Zusje (Little sister)

Director Robert Jan Westdijk Cast Kim van Kooten, Romijn Conen, Hugo Metsers
Edition 1996
91' - 1995 - Mystery, Drama - Dialogue: Dutch
An alternative title to this winner of the 1995 best feature award in the Netherlands, might be "The Man with the Video Camera". Almost the entire film is seen through the lens of Martyn's video camera. His arrival after years of silence is disquieting enough for his younger sister Daantje, who's a fashion student at the Amsterdam Art School. There is something in their childhood history which makes her wary of him. The fact that he now films her every move and insults her friends, becomes an unbearable intrusion. Secluding themselves and playing games, Daantje and Martyn gradually recreate lost memories but when the thruth about the traumatic childhood events emerges, Daantje's role in it was not what we expect...

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Robert Jan Westdijk


Kim van Kooten, Romijn Conen, Hugo Metsers


Robert Jan Westdijk, Jos Driessen

Director of Photography

Bert Pot


Herman P. Koerts


Robert Jan Westdijk

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Countries of production

The Netherlands
