09 20 Oct '24
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David Mackenzie

Young Adam

Edition 2003
93' - 2003 - Crime, Drama - Dialogue: English
Director: David Mackenzie Composer: David Byrne With: Ewan McGregor, Tilda Swinton, Peter Mullan
Set in a steamy Glasgow of the early 1950s, the film focuses on the crisis of Joe, a rootless young drifter who finds work on a barge owned by the down-to-earth Les and his enigmatic wife Ella. One afternoon Joe and Les happen upon the corpse of a young woman floating in the water. Accident? Suicide? Murder? as the police investigate the case and a suspect is arrested, it becomes evident that Joe knows more about the drowned woman than he is letting on. Meanwhile, an unspoken attraction develops between on an intimate and passionate affair...

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David Mackenzie


David Byrne


Ewan McGregor, Tilda Swinton, Peter Mullan


David Mackenzie

Director of Photography

Giles Nuttgens


Jeremy Thomas

More information



Countries of production

United Kingdom, France

Screenplay based on

verhaal van Alexander Trocchi



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