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Timothy Neat

Play Me Something

Director Timothy Neat Composer Jim Sutherland Cast John Berger, Hamish Henderson, Lucia Lanzarini, Tilda Swinton
Edition 1989
72' - 1989 - Drama - Dialogue: English
The waiting room of the tiny Barra airport in the Hebrides. Passengers are waiting for a flight to Glasgow which has been delayed. A teacher stretches her legs, a hairdresser chats to a motorbike rider about her new job on the mainland and he tells her that he is on his way to watch a football match at the weekend. The local electrician arrives with horse and cart to repair the television set in the waiting room. A stranger enters from the beach who seems to know the electrician. He sits down with the waiting passengers and begins to teil stories. The passengers notice him, gather round and begin to listen intently to the following story ... When the story is over, the aeroplane arrivee and the passengers get up to move towards the plane. The electrician takes the television set with him on his cart: on the screen: we see the last glimpse of images of Venice...

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Timothy Neat


Jim Sutherland


John Berger, Hamish Henderson, Lucia Lanzarini, Tilda Swinton

Director of Photography

Chris Fox


Russell Fenton


Kate Swan

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Countries of production

United Kingdom
