09 20 Oct '24
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Masami Hata, William T. Hurtz

Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland

84' - 1992 - Comedy, Adventure - Dialogue: English
Director: Masami Hata, William T. Hurtz Composer: Thomas Chase, Steve Rucker
The story takes place in a far more simple and innocent time than that of today. When airplanes took their first flight, carriages were still drawn by horses, and children dreamed of enchanted lands. The realm of Nemo's enchanted dreams is that of Slumberland. It is a beautiful utopia where all its people live in perfect harmony together. It is where a warm and wise King reigns peacefully over a land of pleasant dreams, and where his daughter, the lovely princess longs for a playmate.

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Masami Hata, William T. Hurtz


Thomas Chase, Steve Rucker


Chris Columbus, Richard Outten, Jean 'Moebius' Giraud


Yutaka Fujioka

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Countries of production

United States of America

Screenplay based on

Little Nemo in Slumberland, stripverhaal van Winson McClay



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