09 20 Oct '24
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Alain Resnais

L'Année dernière à Marienbad (Last year at Marienbad)

94' - 1961 - Mystery, Drama - Dialogue: French
Director: Alain Resnais Composer: Francis Seyrig With: Delphine Seyrig, Giorgio Albertazzi, Sacha Pitoëff
In a vast baroque mansion with a geometrically designed garden, a man tries to convince a woman guest that they had had an affair the year before, and that she should leave the man she is with. Rejecting a chronological structure, the mingling of memory and imagination, past and present, desire and fulfillment, can now be seen as one of the cinema's most haunting and erotic poems. The cryptic screenplay, the stylized playing, the tracking shots down endless corridors, the dazzling decor, and the mysteriously beautiful Seyrig, are all unforgettable. (Foreign Film Guide)

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17bddc79 9e7c 4723 9832 42694d5ed600
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Alain Resnais


Francis Seyrig


Delphine Seyrig, Giorgio Albertazzi, Sacha Pitoëff


Alain Robbe-Grillet

Director of Photography

Sacha Vierny


Henri Colpi, Jasmine Chasney


Pierre Courau

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Countries of production

Italy, France




Alain Resnais
L'aventure de Guy (short, 1936), Schéma d'une identification (short, 1946), Ouvert pour cause d'inventaire (1946), Visite à Oscar Dominguez (short, 1947), Visite à Lucien Coutaud (short, 1947), Visite à Hans Hartung (short, 1947), Visite à Félix Labisse (short, 1947), Visite à César Doméla (short, 1947), Portrait d'Henri Goetz (short, 1947), Le last Nestlé (short, 1947), L'alcool tue (short, 1947), Journée naturelle (short, 1947), Van Gogh (short, 1948), Malfray (short, 1948), Les Jardins de Paris (short, 1948), Châteaux de France (short, 1948), Gaugain (short, 1949), Pictura (1951), Guernica (1951), Statues also Die (short, 1953), Night and Fog (short, 1956), All the Memory in the World (short, 1956), Le mystère de l'atelier quince (short, 1957), The Song of Styrene (short, 1958), Hiroshima Mon Amour (1959), Last Year at Marienbad (1961), Muriel (1963), The War Is Over (1966), Far from Vietnam (1967), I Love You, I Love You (1968), Cinétracts (1968), The Year 01 (1973), Stavisky (1974), Providence (1977), My American Uncle (1980), Life Is a Bed of Roses (1983), Love Unto Death (1984), Mélo (1986), I Want to Go Home (1989), Lest We Forget (1991), No Smoking (1993), Same Old Song (1997), Not on the Lips (2003), Private Fears in Public Places (2006), Wild Grass (2009), You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet (2012), Life of Riley (2014)

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