09 20 Oct '24
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Rashid Masharawi

Hatta Ishaar Akhar (Curfew)

Edition 1994
74' - 1994 - Drama - Dialogue: Arabic, Hebrew
Director: Rashid Masharawi Composer: Said Mouraad With: Salim Daw, Na'ila Zayaad, Mahmoud Qadah
Gaza 1993. Ina Palestinian refugee camp a patrolling loudspeaker announces a curfew. Doors slam shut of people's homes. Crowded alleyways are emptied of the pedestrians and their liveliness. The· streets turn into a platform for the soldiers and their army jeeps. Confined behind their walls, families encounter the tedious passing of time. They wearily await further announcements. Within the shadow of these circumstances, Curfew portrays a family living in this camp through one day of their Jives. We experience the frustration of being imprisoned in one's own home.

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Rashid Masharawi


Said Mouraad


Salim Daw, Na'ila Zayaad, Mahmoud Qadah


Rashid Masharawi

Director of Photography

Klaus Juliusburger


Hadara Oren


Hany Abu-Assad, Samir Hamed, Henri Kuipers, Peter van Vogelpoel

More information


Arabic, Hebrew

Countries of production

The Netherlands, Germany, France, Israel, Palestine



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