09 20 Oct '24
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Luigi Faccini

Donna d'ombra (Woman of Shades)

Edition 1988
90' - 1988 - Drama, Dance - Dialogue: Italian
Director: Luigi Faccini Composer: Luis Bacalov With: Anna Bonaiuto, Francesco Capitano, Luciano Bartoli
While finishing her latest choreography, Carla is informed of her father's death. This news upsets her completely, for her father was the man whom she had always loved most, and now he had abandoned her for ever. Trouble and desperation drive her to leave on a trip without end, an escape from reality that will bring her back to loves of the past, to forgotten places in her life. During her trip she is followed by a man, her latest lover. He follows her affectionately and ironically. She meets the men who had been in love with her and who still get carried away by her beauty, her strength. It is at those moments she realizes which weaknesses and fears have dominated her life. She understands that she cannot live without the feelings of nostalgia for a father who went away forever and that she has to take the love of the man who follows her completely.

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Luigi Faccini


Luis Bacalov


Anna Bonaiuto, Francesco Capitano, Luciano Bartoli


Luigi Faccini

Director of Photography

Franco Lecca


Maddalena Colombo


Marina Piperno

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