09 20 Oct '24
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Wayne Wang

Dim Sum: A Little Bit of Heart

Edition 1986
88' - 1985 - Comedy - Dialogue: English
Director: Wayne Wang Composer: Todd Boekelheide With: Laureen Chew, Kim Chew, Victor Wong
In San Francisco, an immigrant widow welcomes the new year with some unhappiness: she's sixty-two now, she wants to make a trip to China to pay last respects to her ancestors, a fortune teller has told her this is the year she'll die, and a daughter, Geraldine, remains unmarried. Geraldine does have a boyfriend, but she's not sure she's ready for marriage, and, anyway, he lives in Los Angeles and Geraldine doesn't want to leave her mother alone in her declining years. Mrs. Tan's cheerful brother-in-law tries to help out. Is there any solution that will enable Mrs. Tan to hold onto her culturally influenced and deep-seated hopes, yet keep those hopes from suffocating Geraldine?

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Wayne Wang


Todd Boekelheide


Laureen Chew, Kim Chew, Victor Wong


Terrel Seltzer

Director of Photography

Michael Chin


Ralph Wikke


Tom Sternberg, Wayne Wang, Danny Yung

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Countries of production

United States of America



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