09 20 Oct '24
A7c516ee c028 4e21 a94a 1768eb403078

Karst van der Meulen

De bende van hiernaast

Edition 1981
102' - 1980 - Drama, Family - Dialogue: Dutch
Director: Karst van der Meulen Composer: Tonny Eyk With: Harro Coppens, Patrick van Doorn, Liesbeth Hovius
A gang of city children is secretly practicing to enter a musical competition. All of them plunder their parents' supplies in order to build their own stage and amplifiers. Baffled by these unexplained thefts, the parents decide to hold a meeting as their suspicions turn to a group of camper folks living across from their flat. The tables are turned when the residents take a camping holiday of their own and end up being mistrusted by the locals as much as they themselves did their own neighbors. Meanwhile, the children's gang meets a rival group of kids who are planning to enter the same competition.

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Karst van der Meulen


Tonny Eyk


Harro Coppens, Patrick van Doorn, Liesbeth Hovius


Piet Geelhoed

Director of Photography

Fred Tammes


Karst van der Meulen


Frank van Balen

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Countries of production

The Netherlands



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