09 20 Oct '24
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Chi Leung 'Jacob' Cheung

Cheung chin fuchai (Always on My Mind)

Edition 1994
104' - 1993 - Comedy - Dialogue: Cantonese
Director: Chi Leung 'Jacob' Cheung Composer: Chan Wing-leung With: Josephine Siao, Michael Hui, Siu-Ha Chan
The news that he is suffering from an incurable disease has an immense effect on an otherwise rather cowardly and routinized television newscaster. His belief that there is nothing worse in the world than death, causes him to go through an abrupt and extreme change of personality. All at once he allows himself to express his personal opinions during the news programmes and even finds the courage to detain a burglar. Much to his own surprise he becomes a hero overnight. This not only has the effect of boosting his ratings - he finds himself suddenly very rich.

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Chi Leung 'Jacob' Cheung


Chan Wing-leung


Josephine Siao, Michael Hui, Siu-Ha Chan


James Yuen

Director of Photography

Ardy Lam


Cheung Siu-Hei

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Countries of production

Hong Kong



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