09 20 Oct '24
Bd8ebf9f f7c8 4c4f b519 082b02dab5ec

Mijke De jong


Edition 1997
80' - 1997 - Drama - Dialogue: Dutch
Director: Mijke De jong With: Marnie Blok, Lieneke le Roux, Maartje Nevejan, Adelheid Roosen, Leonoor Pauw
Five sisters decide to make a video for their parents' 40th wedding anniversary. Despite family loyalty, they quickly start competing with one another and become embroiled in a confrontation. Old and sometimes painful memories resurface. We gradually learn they share a secret concerning their father's mysterious absence, which lasted for 18 months. In fact, no one knows why he disappeared, but each of them has her own little idea. One of them, it seems, knows more than the others. When they combine their energies, they can achieve euphoric high points and a fragile unity. But when they turn against each other, pitched battles ensue.

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Ac4f31ed db76 4cf6 9d4a b668215b6dc3
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Mijke De jong


Marnie Blok, Lieneke le Roux, Maartje Nevejan, Adelheid Roosen, Leonoor Pauw


Mijke De jong, Jolein Laarman

Director of Photography

Joost van Starrenburg


Menno Boerema


René Scholten

Production studios

Studio Nieuwe Gronden

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Countries of production

The Netherlands



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