09 20 Oct '24
75805746 b596 41a8 833f 70670704da3b

Ivan Nitsjev

1952: Ivan i Alexandra (Ivan and Alexandra)

Edition 1989
78' - 1989 - Drama - Dialogue: Bulgarian
Director: Ivan Nitsjev Composer: Bozjidar Petkov With: Kliment Corbadziev, Monika Budjonova, Simeon Savov, Filip Trifonov, Marija Statulova, Kalin Arsov, Mariana Kroemova, Hristo Gyrbov
Sofia, 1952. Beneath huge portraits of Stalin, the heroes of the anti-fascist partisan war and the beginning of a new society are celebrated. Ivan, an 11 year old schoolboy from the provinces, is praised for his gift of reciting and is even employed by a radio station. He is less successful with Alexandra, the daughter of one of the celebrated parti-aan heroes, who attends the same school and is the toast of all the boys. In order to appear a hero, he invents a story about a secret store of weapons which has disastrous consequences for his best friend and his family. In the meantime, during a wave of arrests, Alexandra's father is arrested for being an alleged 'enemy of the people' and Alexandra is chased from the Young Pioneer's organisation. Ivan is the only one courageous enough to defend her. He sticks to the outcast and from now on finds himself in difficulties. The headmaster wants Alexandra to de-
nounce her father in public ... (pressbook)

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Ivan Nitsjev


Bozjidar Petkov


Kliment Corbadziev, Monika Budjonova, Simeon Savov, Filip Trifonov, Marija Statulova, Kalin Arsov, Mariana Kroemova, Hristo Gyrbov


Ivan Nitsjev

Director of Photography

Georgi Nikolov


Ani Tsjerneva

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