‘No film without film music' has been the unwritten motto of Film Fest Gent for decades. After all, it is often the creative collaborations between composers and filmmakers that lead to the most intriguing oeuvres. With Creative Partnership Film Fest Gent adds a brand-new format to the WSA Film Music Days and shines the spotlight on exceptional collaborations.
Ishibashi Hamaguchi

Ryûsuke Hamaguchi & Eiko Ishibashi

WSA Film Music Days: Creative Partnership
Fri 20.10 - 16:30 - Kinepolis 8

Director Ryûsuke Hamaguchi did not often use music in his films until he heard the music of Japanese multi-instrumentalist Eiko Ishibashi. In Ishibashi's multifaceted oeuvre - from a happy memory of her hometown to a jazzy ode to a character from Law & Order - Hamaguchi recognised a contemporary and a fellow cinephile. The contemplative score of his meandering Oscar winner Drive My Car was born. Furthermore, Hamaguchi's new film, Evil Does Not Exist, saw the light of day after Ishibashi asked him to create images to accompany her music. These dialogue-free images became Gift, the film that will have its world premiere at Film Fest Gent, with a live score performed by Eiko Ishibashi.

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Immerse Yourself in Film Music

Listen to film music like never before during the WSA Film Music Days. Meet the composers of your favourite scores and learn all about exactly how a score is created.