Gabriel Chwojnik x Sine Imge Ozbilge

Gabriel Chwojnik x Sine Özbilge & Imge Özbilge

25 componisten, 25 filmmakers, 25 ultieme symbioses van muziek en cinematografie die helemaal passen binnen het DNA van Film Fest Gent en de World Soundtrack Awards. Voor het unieke project 2x25 vroeg het festival 25 componisten een kort muziekstuk te componeren, waarna 25 filmmakers aan de slag gingen en een korte film maakten. Het resultaat: 25 eigenzinnige films waarbij de muziek de vorm, de vertelling en de textuur inspireerde.


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Gabriel Chwojnik

Gabriel Chwojnik was born on 30 October 1957 in Buenos Aires and started studying classical guitar when he was eight years old. Before composing music for feature films, he first ventured into short films. He then switched to commercials before finally working for theatre and modern dance. Chwojnik is closely involved in the independent Argentine production company El Pampero Cine, a collective that was founded about 20 years ago and has been a breath of fresh air in the Argentine film world ever since.

He was friends with the actress and dramatist Verónica Llinás, one of the founders of El Pampero Cine, and when he heard that her brother Mariano was working on his final paper for his film school, he contacted her. After all, he was keen to pair his concert music with another medium, and film music lends itself well to interacting with a different way of storytelling. That contact paid off, and their collaboration for the film Balnearios became a great success on the independent circuit. Chwojnik also wrote the music for Ostend and Trenque Lauquen, two films by Laura Citarella. Other titles for which Chwojnik composed the music include: La Flor, The Golden Bug and Historias extraordinarios. About film music, he says: "I think film music is not a kind of music, it must not be a "kind" of music. It is music that interacts with photography, actors, stories, silence and sound, emotions and boredom. Music is always music for itself. You can play it alone in a concert, together with theatre, acting, dancers, opera or documentaries. It is always a character in itself. It is free, omnipotent".

Sineimge c Jonathan Karsilo© Jonathan Karsilo

Sine & Imge Özbilge

Imge Özbilge was born on 5 September 1987 in Vienna as Sine's sister. Both have Turkish roots and returned to Turkey, but went to different schools for their higher education. Imge studied at Bilgi University in Istanbul and pursued animation at St. Joost Academy in the Netherlands. Sine studied in Bolzano. Both completed their animation training at KASK in Ghent. They are global citizens who have stayed in different countries, which is reflected in the multicultural backgrounds of their films.

Imge graduated from KASK with Camouflage in which she sketches a forbidden friendship between two women in a secret garden on the border between East and West. Her design incorporates her passion for miniatures and evokes, among other things, the conflict between the modern and the traditional. Sister Sine starts professionally with #21XOXO about a girl and her search for love in times of social media, speed dating and cyber love. According to some, with Imge the social is important while Sine focuses more on the inner life of her characters. Anyway, the two collaborated again after Sine's debut for the short film Mosaic, set in the oldest city in the Middle East. A Kurdish student, a Muslim musician and a Christian girl live there together until war breaks out and all hell breaks loose. Everything clashes with everything else in this layered mosaic that looks overwhelmingly beautiful. At numerous festivals,this artful bridge-building kaleidoscope was a much-awarded success story.