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Draw For Change!

Edition 2023 Serial Madness
An image says more than a thousand words, and that is precisely why these six artists go to war against our patriarchal society with sharpened pencils. Indifference is not an option.
In this six-part series - hailed in Cannes as an "emotional uppercut" - documentary and animation images alternate, but the message remains the same: combative pencils are called in to curb the excessive violence of the patriarchal system. The series is the brainchild of the creative duo Guillaume Vandenberghe & Vincent Coen, known for the documentary Cinéma inch Allah. The two episodes shown during the festival immerse you in Amany Al-Ali's political cartoons in Syria and in Mar Maremoto's astonishing socials in Mexico City. Both Al-Ali and Maremoto are 'artivists' whose work goes against hopelessness. By turning grief and anger into colourful images, the illustrators lay the foundations for a new future.
"The rebellious artists of Draw for Change! strives to change their society in the face of censorship and death threats. A true emotional uppercut with a mix of live-action shots and animated sequences. The series' narration and style are as demanding as the issues discussed." - Canneseries