09 20 Oct '24

Programme edition 2022

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Carla Simón
In her semi-autobiographical Golden Bear winner Alcarràs, Catalan filmmaker Carla Simón shares the joys and sorrows of a family of peach farmers. Together they have to face the uncertain future of their traditional way of life.


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Call Jane

Phyllis Nagy
Phyllis Nagy, screenwriter of Carol, makes her directorial debut with a stylish period drama about 'the Janes', a Chicago women's collective that performed safe abortions.
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Marie Kreutzer
Marie Kreutzer frees Empress Elisabeth of Austria literally and figuratively from her historical straightjacket in Corsage, which shows the oppressive life of an older Sisi.


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In the profound human comedy Good Luck to You, Leo Grande, filmmaker Sophie Hyde and actress Emma Thompson explore the mystery of female pleasure.


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Ulrich Seidl
Ten years after Ulrich Seidl zoomed in on a seaside resort in Kenya with Paradies: Liebe, the Austrian filmmaker focuses on an Italian resort in Rimini.


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In Theu Boermans' comeback film, a couple ends up in turbulent waters during a sailing trip. Will the storm subside forty years later?

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