09 20 Oct '24

Programme edition 2021

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Fd0f7c0f cc50 48c4 8651 cd5cb5ec1b87

After Blue (Dirty Paradise)

Bertrand Mandico
In a distant future, on a savage planet, the lonely teenager Roxy frees a criminal buried in the sand.


90c72e85 1756 48c5 b479 9cfc0c97c7f8

Fou de bassan

Yann Gonzalez
This short film is part of International Shorts 1.


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El Gran Movimiento

Kiro Russo
Fascinating film from Bolivian filmmaker Kiro Russo in which nature, mysticism and the poisson of a vibrant city collide. Winner of the juryprize in Orizzonti-competition at la Biennale di Venezia.


F6ce3236 3985 40b8 9e4b 8fddab562497


Jacqueline Lentzou
This short film is part of the Tribute to Jacqueline Lentzou.


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Interspecies Architecture

Mauricio Freyre
This short film is part of International Shorts 1.


93bb296e 65dd 4d5c bc47 c3600fbab268
In Senegal, the name of Omar Blondin Diop is associated with an unpunished state crime. In France, he has mostly gone down in history as a Marxist activist featuring in La Chinoise.


245345f5 4477 4fc1 9850 40f49673e5ab
This short film is part of the Belgian Student Short Competition.


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Lisa is moving out. Mara is left behind. As boxes are shifted, walls painted and cupboards built, abysses begin to open up, yearnings fill the room and an emotional rollercoaster is set in motion.
4b83b7dc c734 44b4 ac5d c1d98d660509


Apichatpong Weerasethakul
Ever since being startled by a loud ‘bang’ at daybreak, Jessica (Tilda Swinton) is unable to sleep. In Bogotá to visit her sister, she befriends Agnes (Jeanne Balibar), an archaeologist studying human remains discovered within a tunnel under construction...


Fc5ed5b1 07ed 44d1 8f21 aa22d2c5afe9

Train Again

Peter Tscherkassky
This short film is part of International Shorts 2.
B998013d 7dd5 4248 ba9b 65f2aad6fa86

The Tsugua Diaries (Diários de Otsoga)

Maureen Fazendeiro, Miguel Gomes
Crista, Carloto and João are building an airy greenhouse for butterflies in the garden. Playfull and enigmatic.


364b2166 0bd7 4f8f b0d0 25a69c5bf9ec
Four meditative experimental short films by Stan Brakhage.

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