09 20 Oct '24

Programme edition 2021

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Paulo Rocha has an unique perspective on life as well as on its transposition to film. Around Rocha's Table delves into the life and work of Paulo Rocha, a cutting-edge filmmaker and founder of a new film movement that would later be dubbed "the nouveau Portugese cinema".


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Javier Espada explores Luis Buñuel, one of the greatest precursors of surrealist cinema.


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In Senegal, the name of Omar Blondin Diop is associated with an unpunished state crime. In France, he has mostly gone down in history as a Marxist activist featuring in La Chinoise.


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The Most Beautiful Boy In The World

Kristina Lindström, Kristian Petri
Fifty years after the premiere of Death in Venice, Björn Andrésen, the former teen star who once embodied legendary character Tadzio in Visconti’s masterpiece, takes us on a remarkable journey of personal memories, cinema history, stardust and tragedy in what could be Björn’s ...


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Out of the Box

Laurent Frapat
The most loved film poster designed in Hollywood is from Belgium: Laurent Durieux. Who is this, in his own country largely unknown, artist?


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The Taking

Alexandre O. Philippe
Another unique documentary by Alexandro O. Philippe. This time, he focuses on the iconic landscape of Monument Valley.


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Why We Fight?

Mirjam Devriendt, Alain Platel
Why We Fight? is a cinematographic film that tries to understand the violence around us, but also within ourselves, in order to better cope with the world today.
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A title that perfectly sums up the unrestrained art of David Wojnarowicz who - some forty years ago - turned the New York Lower East Side upside dow.

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