09 20 Oct '24

Programme edition 1994

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E812d0f9 0cd1 4f1b 9460 1894199c873d

Forrest Gump

Robert Zemeckis
5cb4ac2c 4a2f 4956 9d6a c5444770dd2e

Forty Guns

Samuel Fuller
Bb52702e 33ba 4610 b82e 0c68e74302f8

Fresa y chocolate (Strawberry & Chocolate)

Tomás Gutiérrez Alea, Juan Carlos Tabío


B3ff1cb8 8bda 4464 b6de 842ea8db83cf


Ferenc Cakó
60e57d74 5b5d 415c 9961 069fade773f0

Hedd Wyn

Paul Turner
B9cd76be 69b2 4af8 a2c0 6af1d536ac2c

Herman le gangster

Martine Doyen
1689378f f61f 4011 a6ea 230091b26792

El héroe

Carlos Carrera
B92f805c a63a 411c 9bf9 966947b6ce13

High Boot Benny

Joe Comerford
Cd93fb55 d79e 4a8a 8d56 df451da954fc


Martin Ritt
Ceae0c70 305a 421b 9fc9 b964b99f2224

Huozhe (To Live)

Zhang Yimou
D71edea7 eb29 405a 9b65 ac4572298879

The Hustler

Robert Rossen


60167262 ae07 4e7c 846e be901516d662

I Like It Like That

Darnell Martin
85aa8a94 1c5f 4854 93b9 52d7a250b933

In Cold Blood

Richard Brooks
619554fe d69a 410a b44b 28c5ac0013ec

The Innocent

John Schlesinger
0b96d0cf f963 45e6 a78a 53710f06767b

The Innocents

Jack Clayton
E45efc10 959b 4a64 bf4b ba62da98065e

It's All True

Richard Wilson, Bill Krohn, Myron Meisel, Orson Welles


Jésus, que ma joie demeure

Franz-Albert Damamme
884824e8 c605 4499 b20b 87457127b28e


Louis Feuillade

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