09 20 Oct '24

Programme edition 1988

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665d52b3 95f3 490e a2d2 e5b5d9df091d


Frederick Wiseman
1253aeea 941b 4f85 b2b0 9391e7f96350

Der Erfinder

Kurt Gloor
A0737b69 ca23 415a 8038 54592cdfcc32

Divinas palabras (Divine Words)

José Luis García Sánchez


397c5a6c 6634 424b 996f e36ea5728a77

Family Viewing

Atom Egoyan
Cc264f94 9feb 4801 b2c0 cc24c0fa7cff

Fariaho (Vagrants)

Roland Gräf
Af9f2c1b 341e 40a6 9db0 2fcb0e09b7e7

Fata Morgana

Werner Herzog
Db3652c9 5aff 4fac 9c5d 1a86f5afef8b

Friendship's Death

Peter Wollen


Ab8d02ba 2661 4ae6 8c7b 7fa46fb7f8df


Manuel octavio Gomez
25740f52 65a6 4297 8208 725d071983fc

Ground Zero

Michael Pattinson, Bruce Myles

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